Thursday, September 1, 2011

So, a few small updates since I last posted. Yesterday I started the birth control pills to begin my ivf cycle! It's a 2 month process, but at least it's finally being started. I will go in on wed or thurs to pick up my medication and learn how to inject myself. Ack!! I found out that my insurance doesn't cover acupuncture in any form. I was told originally that I had to have a referral from my dr that it would be beneficial for fertility, but I called again today and they said it is not covered no matter what. I'm gonna try once more since I got two different answers from two different people, and see what the final outcome is lol I also found out that since my BMI is just above what they consider "safe" for twilight sedation because of potential breathing problems, that I have to go to mass for my egg retrieval and to have the fertilized eggs put back in. Which is a major inconvenience because its so hard for Joe to get time off from work. But...oh well, we'll make it happen. I think he's just going to have to break down and inform his employer of what is going on, so they can be understanding of him having to take spur of the moment time off from work. Ug! On another note, boy am I glad for insurance!! Just the blood, STD, and genetic tests for me was close to $2,000!! Yikes. That's before my costs of ivf. Boy are we blessed. I joined the gym, and my first time was last night. I went, worked out for like 35 minutes before work, and felt great. Not even lame today. Yea!! Well, I'm off. More later!