Monday, August 8, 2011

Blood!! eek

I hate getting blood drawn! And Friday I had to have 6 vials for various tests! It was the most painful blood draw I've ever had, but the cleanest! I have never had someone stick me with a needle where you literally could not tell it happened 5 minutes later. No bruise, no mark. I was pretty impressed.

Poor Joe only needed 2 vials and he barely made it out the door w/o passing out. Guess he is not a fan of needles or something. I've never seen him so white! I felt so bad.

So, now I'm just dealing w/ this really crazy cycle right now. I have been having my period for almost 4 weeks now, so my Dr. called in some progesterone which will stop the bleeding in a few days, and I'll wait for my next cycle to begin. So, probably will take significantly longer, but oh well. At least I'm on the road!

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